Galahs lose their home

Galahs at nesting hollow

Galahs at nesting hollow

A few months ago I wrote about a pair of Galahs investigating a hollow in a large tree in our garden. Every day or so they would come and do a little more in the hollow. I even saw them lining the nest with fresh gum leaves. But it didn’t happen. Their happy homemaking never resulted in the happy – noisy – squawk of little ones.

In the meantime I noticed that they would come every few days, sit at the entrance and screech loudly into the hollow. This behaviour puzzled me. I wondered if some other creature – an owl perhaps – had taken up residence.

A few nights ago I found out what had happened – and I have photographic evidence of who had taken over their cosy love nest. The photos below tell the story.

Brush-tailed Possum

Brush-tailed Possum

Brush-tailed Possum

Brush-tailed Possum


5 Responses to “Galahs lose their home”

  1. Brenton H says:

    Great photos Trevor. I have a very soft spot for Brush-tailed Possums who are survivors in a continent where so many of our animals have become extinct. It is probably that they have been able to keep away from foxes and cats up in the trees, that they have managed to survive.

  2. Ken Rolph says:

    Here’s a strange thing. Since becoming a licenced grandpa I’ve taken to looking in toy shops at animal figures. Most are African or farmyard, but there are small collections of Australian animals. But I’ve yet to find any possums.

  3. Trevor says:

    Thanks for your comments Brenton.

  4. Trevor says:

    Hi Ken,

    Funny how becoming a Grandpa changes one’s view on life and many other things. I concur with you about the animal figures. I just asked my son (we are currently staying with him in Sydney) and he thinks he has seen stuffed toy possums in a few shops. This came up on an internet search:

  5. […] small flocks of Galahs and Sulphur-crested Cockatoos were seen where there was suitable habitat. Major highlight was a […]

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