Crimson Rosella in Murray Bridge

Crimson Rosella

Crimson Rosellas are a common parrot of the eastern states of Australia. Here in South Australia they are largely confined to the south east of the state. A hybrid race called the Adelaide Rosella is common parrot of the Adelaide region, including the Mt Lofty Ranges and the mid-north of the state.

In recent years they have gradually expanded their range east towards our home here in Murray Bridge. I am seeing them here more and more often, including regular visitors to our garden.

To my surprise, we recently had two Crimson Rosellas briefly visit our garden. This is the first that we have observed in nearly 30 years living here. In today’s photos I show the two birds seen – one an adult quite significantly deeper in colour than the Adelaide Rosellas – the other in juvenile plumage.

This interesting observation raises several questions:

  • Is this species expanding its range along with the Adelaide Rosella?
  • Were these two birds aviary escapes, after all, they are relatively common cage birds in our area?

Further reading:

Crimson Rosella (immature)

Crimson Rosella

Crimson Rosella


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