Two Galahs and a Corella

Galahs in aviary, Pinnaroo Caravan Park

Galahs in aviary, Pinnaroo Caravan Park

I took this photo of two Galahs in the aviary next to the Pinnaroo Caravan Park last week.  Rather sad looking birds if you ask me. I guess they’d rather be out in the fields pinching the seeds  from a farmer’s wheat crop. At least they have each other – many parrots mate for life. It’s a little hard to tell but by digitally  enlarging the photo  it looks like the one on the left is a male, the other a female.  (Males have dark brown eyes, females red eyes).

Even sadder is the solitary Little Corella shown below.

Little Corella in aviary, Pinnaroo Caravan Park

Little Corella in aviary, Pinnaroo Caravan Park


6 Responses to “Two Galahs and a Corella”

  1. Brenton H says:

    Interesting to see the recent photos. I no longer support the caging of birds for human entertainment. Let them fly free if it is possible. Hopefully, by the end of this century, animals and birds etc will be respected and have the right to their existance. I do support captive breeding of endangered species because for many of them , how else will they be saved when their habitat has been destroyed. I would suggest people look at “The World Parrot Trust’ site and see how the forests are being stripped of birds for the pet trade. Very sobering and disturbing information.

  2. Trevor says:

    Thanks for your comments Brenton.

    I agree with all you’ve said – I was trying to make that point in my article but you made it so much more eloquently.

    I do see a role for displaying non-endangered species in major zoos – not for entertainment but for educational purposes. It is one method of educating the masses, who are largely ignorant of the issues and the pressures faced by even some of our commoner species. As a retired teacher I see this blog in a sense also filling that educational role.

  3. Brenton H says:

    Hi Trevor,
    Your blog is of the utmost importance. Education is ‘huge’. I learnt about birds from attending some WEA classes, many yeras ago, taught by the late Joan Paton. That lady introduced the world of birds to hundreds of people. We need many more like her!

  4. Birdgal says:

    Hmm these birds look incredibly sad. How large are the aviaries? To put a corella alone is torture.
    The aviaries also look very hot, with those steel walls.

    If you are concerned about these birds give the RSPCA a call, or whatever the local animal welfare group is. This is a very concerning situation.

  5. Ken Rolph says:

    Birds are tricky to keep in one spot. You have to make 3 dimensional cages for them, unless they are fllightless. Large flightless birds are easier to contain. You can put them in open ranges. Birds which eat grains or fruit are attractable to a source of food. It’s much harder to get a close up view of birds of prey or migrating birds.

    My son lives right in the city of Sydney. Birds for him are pigeons, ibises, seagulls or Indian mynas. If we don’t keep some birds contained somewhere, many people in the future are going to miss out on seeing them.

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