Hooded Plover, Victor Harbor
On a recent visit to Victor Harbor on the south coast of South Australia we were staying with friends for a few days. We’d been for several drives and in the evening we went for a walk along the Hindmarsh River to beach. It’s a quiet walk along this small river but there weren’t too many birds showing themselves as we went along.
On the beach however, right next to the mouth of the river, a solitary Hooded Plover was scuttling along the edges of the river and on the beach. I managed several reasonable photos before it flew off.
This species is widespread along the southern coast of Australia but is not common anywhere. In fact, it is on the endangered list because there are so few of them. This beach – one of the busiest in South Australia – is one of its strongholds and is known to nest in the dunes along the sea front.
It’s great seeing – and being able to photograph – such a rare species.