I have written in recent days about the hot weather we are having. As I write this a cool change is on the way, and storm clouds are gathering. So far the clouds have promised much – and delivered nothing in the way of refreshing rain. Still, the promise of cooler weather over the coming week is reassuring.
A little while ago I was having a coffee while doing some reading. I looked up to think about what I was reading and suddenly got all excited by what I saw out through the window.
I grabbed my binoculars and raced outside. About 6 Fork-tailed Swifts (Pacific Swifts) were swooping at great speed across the cloudy sky, following the storm front as is their habit. Within minutes they were gone, so there was no time to try for a photo – they were too high up and moving too fast anyway, so I’m not disappointed. You can see a photo taken by someone else here.
On checking my records this is a new species for my home block list. Previously I had seen Needle-tailed swifts on one occasion. Two swift sighting here in nearly thirty years. No wonder I was excited.