Hear the Blackbird singing in the morning

Common Blackbird (male)

Common Blackbird (male)

I love lingering in a warm, comfortable bed on a a cold, frosty morning. That was the case this morning. I needed to get up but the cosiness was so alluring. On occasions like this I love trying to identify the birds calling from the garden outside.

We usually have a few Honeyeaters and the resident Willie Wagtails. A few Little Ravens can often be heard off in the distance and the occasional flock of Galahs flies overhead. Sometimes I am aware of a Grey Currawong calling or perhaps even a Grey Butcherbird.

This morning it was different. My waking moments were highlighted by the delightful song of the male Common Blackbird. I will forgive this bird for being an introduced species here in South Australia; it’s call is so beautiful.

During the late autumn and winter the Blackbird is largely silent. Our resident birds can be seen skulking through the undergrowth. If disturbed they will fly off suddenly, giving a harsh warning call as it flies off.

Once the weather starts to warm a little the male Blackbird begins its amazing song, usually late afternoon and early evening. It would have to be one of the most beautiful songbirds in the world.

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8 Responses to “Hear the Blackbird singing in the morning”

  1. Veery says:

    Nice post as always! I love your writing style and content.
    Stay warm over there, it is hard to imagine chilly weather as we are in the heat of summer here in the midwestern part of the United States. (It was 95 today). I almost miss the cool air but I know it is coming soon enough!

  2. Trevor says:

    Thanks for the encouraging words Veery. Every week now we are getting more and more lovely days. Spring is not far off and everything is lovely and green, though many farmers now need more rain to finish off their wheat and other cereal crops, as well as feed for the sheep and cattle. Australian reservoirs and rivers also need plenty more rain after several years of severe drought.

  3. […] Trevor’s Birding: Trevor shows us how even introduced species, such as the Common Blackbird, can be enjoyed, especially ones that sing so sweetly. […]

  4. […] “Hear the Blackbird singing in the morning” Thursday April 13th, 2006 | Categories: Photos; Birds; Camera; Garden birds; Nests; Blackbirds » 78 Comments   […]

  5. Robert Williams says:

    Hi, I have just looked up your web site for information ,as we have had a Black bird visiting for some time. He comes in under our pergola and sits on the trailer.
    It has been several months now, but still he hasn’t sang, this morning when I got up ,to my delight, there was a female on the trailer with him.
    As we have two Rotties I am concerned for there safety, as I would like to set up a place for them to nest but am not sure how to go about it. I would put it up on the beams of the pergola, but what do I start with to get them started?
    Any help or information would be greatly appreciated.
    Regards Robert Williams

  6. Trevor says:

    Hi there Robert,

    Sorry about the delay in replying – I’ve been frantically busy in recent weeks putting the final touches to my Masters Degree.

    Have the Blackbirds nested yet? If not – the best thing you can do is just let them be. If your garden is suitable they will find a safe nesting spot. Long term, the best thing you can do is plant plenty of shrubs and bushes where they can feel safe from predators and these will also provide food and safe nesting sites.

    The fact that they are around means there must be enough food there to sustain them. Once they nest, their demand for food will escalate as the little chicks will need feeding every few minutes! Do you have a compost bin for food scraps? Leave off the lid and the birds will find the insects and worms that gather there – like a free smorgasbord for them! Make sure your dogs can’t get to the bin.

  7. Robert Williams says:

    Hi Trevor, thank you for your reply. It appears as though I might be a bit late for the nesting,I only saw the female once and since then I have only seen the male once, but he was singing, and is doing so now as I send you this. I guess they have set up a nest somewhere else as we don’t have trees as such, just shrubs.
    Thank you for your web site, I found it very interesting.
    No need to apologise for the delay replying, I am grateful that you did, thank you again.
    Please note the slight change to our email address, we have gone wireless and had to change it.
    Regards Robert Williams

  8. Nick Brent says:

    Love to hear about blackbirds from my old country. I too laid in bed one Sunday morning and heard the blackbirds beautiful song. I hadn’t heard it since 1954 when I was kid in Cheshire in the UK. My parents migrated when I was 12. It is a very different sound to the native Australian bird sounds. When I was in Tassie a few years ago, I saw and heard the Skylarks as the fluttered above the ground. Takes me back to my childhood..

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