Frosty Morning Walk

We went for a very cold walk this morning. The car needed a service so we had to be up early. I rarely accept the offer of a ride home from the place where we take the car, prefering to walk home instead. It takes about twenty-five minutes. I need the exercise.

We had another heavy frost again this morning. Over the last two weeks it has been between zero and minus 4 almost every day. We usually get a few – perhaps four or five – frosts in a winter, and rarely this early. This prolonged cold snap has been rather unusual, but not unique. It’s just a little hard to get used to after months of very pleasant weather.

So – rugged up with woollen hat (beanie) and gloves and a thick coat we braved the chilly walk home. The sun was making a valiant, but futile, attempt to warm everything up. Then the fog rolled in and spoiled that idea. We made it home and immediately headed for the fire to thaw out a little.

There were a few birds out and about, despite the cold conditions. The Little Ravens were bravely announcing their nasally welcome to the morn. Red Wattlebirds and New Holland Honeyeaters zipped here and there looking for something to eat. There are quite a few native plants flowering at present, so the search for sustenance was on.

The Australian Magpies were valiantly carolling in the new day while a family of White Winged Choughs strutted around on the cold ground oblivious to the freezing conditions. A flock of squawking Galahs flapped slowly overhead, their bright pink breast feathers trying to brighten up the gloomy start to the day. A lone Willie Wagtail greeted us as we arrived at our driveway.

Later in the day the fog went away, the sun shone brightly but oh so briefly. The return walk back to collect the car in the afternoon was far more pleasant.


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