Archive for the 'Photos' Category

Birds Calling

Grevillea flowers

Grevillea flowers


This afternoon I helped my wife Corinne in her nursery for about three hours. This included taking about 60 photos of the flowers of plants in the stock plant area and some in the nursery itself. Most of these photos turned out really well. Corinne needs some of these photos for the coming plant sale in Adelaide at the end of the month.

Bird Calls

I also did some more tidying up and weeding in the nursery. While I was doing that I was aware of the bird life calling all around. The White Plumed Honeyeater was very prominent, calling loudly and persistently. Little Ravens often passed overhead, their mournful calls cannot be missed. At one point two of them were in a tree nearby calling in turn, like they were having a conversation. Red Wattlebirds and their harsh ‘kok-karock” calls interrupted the ravens’ talkfest.

Spotted Pardalote with nesting material in beak

Spotted Pardalote with nesting material in beak


In the moments of quietness after the departure of the noisy ravens the gentle Spotted Pardalotes’ contact calls filled the air around me as they searched the mallee trees for sustenance. The Striated Pardalotes seemed absent today; their far reaching call was noted yesterday. Perhaps they were just being discrete – or shy – today.

Grey Shrike Thrush

The sudden strident whistling of the Grey Shrike Thrush just above my head shattered my dreaming. Its strong melodious voice is far reaching in the mallee woodland around here; often it is the first bird I identify when out walking. Its call is hard to miss. A noisy cloud of pink Galahs squawks overhead, bringing a splash of colour to the drab grey sky. A Magpie adds to the chorus, chortling happily over near the shed.


My attention is drawn to a family of nine White Winged Choughs flying secretively and quietly through the garden. Normally their mournful calls can be heard from a distance. Their silence is puzzling.

Stunning photos

Over the last few days I have spent a few hours looking at and reading the birding blogs of other birders. There are some fascinating blogs out there on the net, some of them with some stunning photos of birds.

Digital Photography

When I take photos of birds I use a Canon Powershot S2 IS. This has a 12x optical zoom which enables me to focus in quite close to the subject. One skill I am learning is being able to creep up quite close so I do not have to zoom in too much. Alternatively, I watch carefully for a spot where birds are frequently landing and then position myself within range and then wait patiently for the birds to come to me.


Digiscoping is an another method of taking bird photos. A camera, either SLR or digital SLR is attached to a telescope using an adapter. This method enables one to be quite a distance from the subject. It also produces much clearer, sharper photos – depending, of course, on the quality of your equipment and the patience you can muster up.

Amazing Site

Today I came across Mike McDowell’s Bird Digiscoping site. It contains some amazing photos with stunning clarity and beautiful composition.

Mike also has a very interesting blog which includes many worthwhile tips on digiscoping.

Sulphur Crested Cockatoos

Sulphur Crested Cockatoos

Gouldian Finch Recovery

Endangered Species
There was a beautiful item on ABC TV News in Adelaide this evening about Gouldian Finches, a highly endangered species of northern Australia. This stunning bird has been in decline both numerically and in distribution for some time. It is also one species I have yet to see in the wild. A friend used to keep some in an aviary; they are one of the world’s most beautiful birds.

Large flocks
The item on the news suggested that the Gouldian Finch is making a recovery. Evidently it has been seen in some localities for the first time in over 15 years. Colleen O’Malley, from the Threatened Species Network said that flocks of 200-400 are being seen which is vastly larger than in recent years. This is still far short of the sightings of flocks in the thousands in earlier days.

For the full story click here.

For more information, and photos which do not do the species justice click here.

A better photo can be found here.

I just hope the species not only survives – but thrives. I’d like it to be easy to find and photograph when I finally get to Kakadu, Arnhem Land or other parts of northern Australia.

Kakadu & Arnhem Land – a DVD review

I have subscribed to the Australian Geographic magazine for many years and enjoy the interesting and varied articles about Australia that they contain. I think that the photography contained in these magazines is brilliant. I particularly enjoy any photos and articles about birds, plants and other aspects of our wonderful flora and fauna.

Special DVD

The last two issues of the magazine have included a bonus DVD produced and presented by Sorrel Wilby. The current issue, which arrived a few days ago, included number 2 in the series and is titled “Kakadu & Arnhem Land.” It covers some of the flora and fauna of this wonderful region of the Northern Territory of Australia. Its main strength, however, is in the coverage of the culture of the local Aboriginal people. The commentary gives one a good introduction to the deep spiritual connection between the Aboriginal culture and the land we know as Kakadu.

The birds and plants of Kakadu

While this new DVD does not specifically cover the vast range of birds and plants present in the Kakadu and Arnhem Land region, it does feature quite a number of species, especially water birds, in several sections. The opening few minutes show quite an array of the birds one can see there. Several species of plants and insects are also featured but this is just a taste of the enormous range of flora and fauna that has been recorded there.

Bonus feature

A special extra bonus on the DVD is a 4 minute feature on photographer David Hancock. He has specialised in photographing the Kakadu and Arnhem Land area. His latest article “Buffalo Rising” – about buffaloes in the Northern Territory – is included in the current issue of the magazine.


This beautiful new DVD will certainly give people a taste of what is to be seen in the Kakadu area. The photography is beautiful and inspiring. The introduction to the spiritual and cultural heritage of the region is interesting. Overall, it will inspire people who have never visited the region to put Kakadu on their “must see” list. Those who have had the delight of already experiencing the region will feel the urge to return.

Birders wanting lots of photos of birds may be disappointed. I would like to have seen more birds featured – but then, this was not intended as just another bird DVD. Its intention was to paint a broader picture, and has indeed, succeeded in doing so.

The main section runs for 52 minutes.

UPDATE January 4th 2008: Back copies of this DVD and others in the same series are currently available from the magazine by ringing 1300 555 176 Monday to Friday during office hours (Australian time).

Update Nov 2013: I’m not sure if these DVDs are still available.

Brown Headed Honeyeaters

While having breakfast this morning a flock of Brown Headed Honeyeaters flew past. This species is a regular visitor to our garden here in Murray Bridge, South Australia. I love hearing their “chip, chip, chip” contact calls as they swarm from tree to tree. They are not often seen alone; usually they come through the garden in waves of anything from 5 or 6 through to 15 or more.

So far I have been unable to get a photo of these rather plain yet delightful little honeyeaters. It is a challenge because they seem to be constantly on the move. My best chance will be when they visit our bird bath. Here they line up on the branch above, or on the edge of the bird bath, ready for their turn to bathe. On occasions I have observed 5 or 6 in the water at one time, water splashing in all directions.

Related Article:

UPDATE: I can now add the photo below.

Brown-headed Honeyeater

Brown-headed Honeyeater