Archive for the 'Photos' Category

One bird that finally sat still – Eastern Spinebill

Eastern Spinebill

Eastern Spinebill

2007 Australian Capital Territory trip report #12

The Eastern Spinebill is one of Australia’s more colourful honeyeaters. We do not have this species in our garden in Murray Bridge, so I have to travel up into the Adelaide Hills, or interstate, to see this lovely bird.

It is a relatively common species in its range which extends along the coastal regions of eastern and south eastern Australia, from near Brisbane through to north of Adelaide. Its preferred habitat includes gardens, forests, heathlands and woodlands.

This particular species has caused me some angst over the last two years. Although I’ve seen it quite a few times, I haven’t been able to get any individuals to sit still long enough for me to focus the camera. Until my recent visit to the Australian National Botanic Gardens, that is. It’s quite a long drive to find one cooperative bird. Never mind, get it I did. It’s an even longer drive to see its cousin, the Western Spinebill in Western Australia. That one will have to wait a little while to appear in my camera lens.

Click on the image to enlarge the photo.

Further reading:

Photo Gallery Update

Have you visited our Photo Gallery recently? (Note: the gallery is no longer available).

This morning the gallery passed the 800,000 views mark.

Why don’t you go and have a look?

My wife, son and I have posted over 1230 photos in a wide range of categories – birds, animals, scenery (Australia and overseas), flowers, travel and culture, architecture – go and have a look. There’s something for most people. The gallery is growing fast as we are adding new shots almost daily.

Most of the photos are mine but both my wife and son have contributed many too.

UPDATE: the photo gallery is no longer accessible to visitors. Sorry. It was getting too expensive to maintain.


White-Bellied Sea-Eagle

White-Bellied Sea-Eagle

Don’t feed the birds

Apparently some people can’t read – or don’t read. Maybe they don’t want to read. Whatever.

The fellow in this photo either didn’t see the sign – or ignored it.

The consequences are plain to see.

Grey Shrike-Thrush

Grey Shrike-Thrush

Grey Shrike-Thrush

The Grey Shrike-Thrush is a resident breeding bird species in our garden here in Murray Bridge, South Australia. We really enjoy its beautiful call with its rich tones and far carrying sound. This species is known for its call, but the pair resident in out garden is not all that vocal, even when breeding. In fact, during nesting they are almost silent around here, which tends to be the opposite in many other places.

The Grey Shrike-Thrush is a common and widespread species of bird found throughout most of Australia. There is some plumage variation from one location to another. In northern Australia there are three other Shrike-Thrush species, all of which are still on my “yet to see” list.

Despite this being a resident species in our garden, it has taken me until a few days ago to get a reasonable series of photos.

Grey Shrike-Thrush

Grey Shrike-Thrush

Bird Cinema

I always enjoy watching films, videos or DVDs that feature birds. I have mine own small and growing collection. It is a great way to learn about birds from other countries and is very cost effective.

Now bird lovers can watch these on a special dedicated web site called the “Bird Cinema: where the wild birds are always on.”


And don’t forget my photo gallery here.