Archive for the 'Photos' Category

Bird photography runs in the family

It seems that the love of bird photography runs in the family.

My son has some new photographic gear that he loves using. On a recent visit home he proudly showed me his new equipment: a Canon EOS 40D digital SLR.

Nice camera – bit on the heavy side for my liking, but one can really get into the photo game with gear like that.

Anyway, Simon has been posting a few of his bird photos on his blog. Here are some recent posts that include bird shots:

And here is where I wrote about my camera and bird photography:

Photo Gallery milestone

Between Monjo and Namche Bazar, Nepal

Between Monjo and Namche Bazar, Nepal

Our Hampel Photo Gallery has been chugging away nicely over the last two and a half years. We have posted over 2000 photos on this gallery during that time. About half the photos are mine. The balance were taken by my wife (mainly of plants and flowers) and my son.

Just recently the gallery passed the one and a quarter million views milestone. That’s a lot of people looking at our photos.

The categories cover a wide range of topics:

  • birds
  • animals (mammals, reptiles, insects)
  • plants and flowers (mainly Australian)
  • scenery
  • buildings
  • zoos
  • parks and gardens (including many national parks)

The photos also cover many different countries and continents, including:

  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Thailand
  • Nepal
  • Malaysia
  • Singapore
  • Hong Kong
  • China
  • North America
  • South America

UPDATE: sorry – this photo gallery is no longer available for viewing.

Paris Creek, Mt Lofty Ranges, South Australia

Paris Creek, Mt Lofty Ranges, South Australia

We’ve come a long way – 800th post on this blog

New Holland Honeyeater

New Holland Honeyeater

Only a few weeks ago this blog saw its 3rd Birthday.

Today we celebrate another milestone – 800 articles about birds. Wow – it has been an exciting ride.

This blog has survived where many have fallen by the wayside or lie dormant and unloved.

The longevity of this blog is mainly due to all of my readers and those who frequently comment on what I have written. There are now over 500 visitors every day so a great big THANK YOU to all who have stopped by – especially those who keep on returning. So many of you have left great comments and the discussions have been stimulating. Often I am sent scurrying for my reference books to find the answers to your questions. Keep ’em coming folks.

Three Invitations:

  • You are all invited to leave appropriate comments and questions in the comments section underneath each article. Remember – comments are moderated – so keep it polite.
  • Alternatively, you can email me privately using the contact form here.
  • I also invite you to dig deeper into all those articles on this blog. If you have recently discovered this blog, I have 800 articles about Australian birds waiting to be read. You can access then in two ways: click on the archives link here or click on any of the categories or contents pages on the side bar.
Musk Lorikeet

Musk Lorikeet

Photo gallery:

Don’t forget the family photo gallery here.  Over 2000 photos from all over the world taken by members of my family. Not only bird photos – plenty of scenery, animals, flowers, historic places – well – just go and have a look. We are adding to it regularly too, so you are invited to return often.

Great photography site

There are thousands of excellent photography sites on the internet. A local one I’ve discovered recently is Tony Crittenden’s Photography site. Tony has hundreds of excellent photographs of birds, animals, flowers, reptiles and several other topics.

It is well worth a visit – and lingering for a while over some of his excellent shots of wildlife, both here in Australia and overseas.

Photo Gallery Milestone

Way to go!

Our family photo gallery passed a very significant milestone this morning.

One Million Views

Yes folks – you heard it here first.

Our family photo gallery has just had its one millionth view.


Hint: are you missing out on viewing our great photos? Most of the photos were taken by me – over a thousand of them so far. My son Sim’ is quickly catching up due to recently buying a new camera and really putting it through its paces on a holiday in South America right now. The rest were taken by my wife. (I hope our daughter gets on the gallery during her trip to Europe later this year.)

To view our photo gallery click here.

Red Capped Robin

Red Capped Robin