Archive for the 'Photos' Category

Flying Black Kite, Mannum

Black Kite over the Murray River, Mannum, South Australia

A skill I admire in nature photographers is getting great still photos of moving birds or animals. It’s something I am still very much a novice at and will need to practise much more to get it right.

While this photo of a Black Kite soaring over the Murray River at Mannum taken a few weeks ago is not brilliant, I’m still quite pleased with it. Mind you, it has had a little treatment on my computer to enhance certain elements.

Click on the image to enlarge.

Birding around Mannum, South Australia part 4

Murray River at Mannum, South Australia

Over recent days I have been sharing some photos and my experiences on a birding trip to Mannum a few weeks ago. This river town is about 20 minutes by car from my home. The afternoon was a classically beautiful Sunday afternoon in spring. To add to the wonderful weather the birding was also good.

I know that Silver Gulls are a very common bird here in Australia, but I do enjoy photographing them. The bird in the photo below was particularly photogenic, but I had to be quick with the camera as it was on the move. I’ve also included a few other photos taken on the same day.


Silver Gull, Murray River, Mannum, South Australia

Silver Gulls, Murray River, Mannum, South Australia

Silver Gulls, Mannum, South Australia

Silver Gulls, Murray River, Mannum, South Australia

Happy Bird-day to me

Yes, that’s right.

It’s my birthday today, so to treat all my faithful readers I’m going to share some of my favourite photos.

Oh, and if you’d like to write some birthday messages in the comments section, I’d be mighty chuffed too.

Male Flame Robin, Mt. Macedon, Victoria

Cattle Egret in walk through aviary at Adelaide Zoo

Crested Pigeon

Male Gang-gang Cockatoo, Botanic Gardens, Canberra

Red Wattlebird

Now here’s a common sight in Australia

Grain silos at Lameroo, South Australia

Sydney Trip Report June 2011

Grain storage silos are a common sight throughout the cereal growing areas of Australia. Almost every small town has some and they make up a prominent feature of the landscape. On our trip to Sydney earlier this year we passed many such structures along the way. They become so commonplace one almost forgets that they are there.

Not me.

I usually give silos more than a quick glance as they flash by, checking out each one for any interesting birds perching on the building or flying nearby. Sadly I’m usually disappointed because the most common inhabitant of these artificial “cliffs” are Rock Doves (feral pigeons), usually in their hundreds. Quite often they are in the company of just as many House Sparrows.

On the odd occasion, however, I have seen Nankeen Kestrels, Black-shouldered Kites, flocks of Galahs and Corellas and even cockatoos. At Lameroo I only managed to see some Rock Doves (see photo below). It’s not a brilliant photo, but considering the silos were some 200 or more metres away, the zoom on my camera is impressive.

Sometimes one has to be content with the common, ordinary species and a not so wonderful photo.

Rock Doves (Feral Pigeons) at Lameroo, South Australia

A missed birding opportunity

A Brown falcon flying away from my camera

Many people have commented on the photos shown here on my birding site. Thankfully, most of the comments are complimentary. When I do public presentations about birds like I did a few nights ago I also get many ooohs and aaahs when I show certain photos. Just to show that not all my photos are fabulous and gasp worthy, today I present one that got away. A missed opportunity.

Last year as I was driving near Palmer on my way to stay with my daughter in Clare, I stopped at a lookout. The view from this vantage point over the River Murray valley is spectacular and so I stopped to take a few photos, not being in a hurry on this occasion. As I pulled up I noticed a Brown Falcon perched on a nearby tree. I whipped out the camera – only to see the bird take flight. I snapped anyway, hoping for a spectacular shot.

It was not to be.

You get that. I guess that for every lovely photo shown here I’d take 4 or 5 or even more that never pass the test and never appear here or anywhere else. Most just get deleted from my computer files. That’s photography for you, especially in the challenging field of nature photography. So to compensate, I’ve included below a shot of a Brown Falcon taken on another occasion at the nearby Monarto Zoo, an open range conservation area near our home. On this occasion the bird posed for me in a most considerate way.

It’s moments like this that make nature photography so worthwhile.

Good birding.

Brown Falcon, Monarto Zoo