Archive for the 'Murray Bridge' Category

Great Birding Moments #4 Willie Wagtail

Willie Wagtail

Willie Wagtail

The Willie Wagtail is a resident of our garden here in Murray Bridge. Our house is situated amongst 5 acres (2 hectares) of a mixture of garden plants, orchard, mallee scrub (mallee is a species of eucalypt) and open paddock.

Camera shy

Our resident Willie Wagtails seem to be rather camera shy. I’ve been trying for many months to get a good photo of this species here at home. Whenever I’d try to get close enough they’d be high in the foliage of the tree – or behind a bush – or they’d flit away before I could focus. Eventually I did manage to get a nice shot; the bird is good but the setting is horrible. I wish there was some way of masking out the rubbishy looking drum it has perched on. And look at all those weeds in the background!


The Willie Wagtail Rhipidura leucophrys, a member of the flycatcher family of birds, is one of Australia’s best known and well-loved birds. They are common throughout Australia and northern Tasmania. They are easily recognised as they flit around looking for a feed, tail wagging and fanning out disturbing insects. “Our” Willie Wagtails are a resident breeding pair. They usually have at least one and sometimes two broods each year, usually in spring and summer.

The Nest

The nest is a cup-shaped bowl about 5-6cm wide and deep. It is usually made from cobwebs, fine grass, feathers, wool, bark and other soft materials. It can be situated as low as a metre from the ground to 10 or even 15 metres high up in a tree. It is often located on horizontal branch but I have seen nests made on a metal strut inside a farm shed. They most often lay 2 or 3 eggs, but occasionally lay 4. To see four almost fledged baby Willie Wagtails in a small nest all reaching out to mum or dad begging for food, one wonders how the nest survives – and how they don’t topple out! The nest seems just right for one baby – three or four is definitely overcrowded. The interesting thing about “our” WWs is that they always nest very close to the house, usually within 15 metres.

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Looking down on the birds

Today we were invited to have lunch at the home of friends of ours. We are always delighted to visit them as their house is built on a cliff top overlooking the River Murray. From the balcony outside their lounge room one has a 180 degree panoramic view over the river and associated dairy farm flats on the other side of the river. The passing river traffic, including several large touring boats, is fascinating to watch.

Birding at Cliff Top Level

An added bonus is watching the abundant bird life on, along and near the river. Several Australian Pelicans lazily glided upstream before landing to paddle sedately on the river. Welcome Swallows skimmed low over the water, occasionally swooping high up over the cliffs and past where we sat. Two Whistling Kites soared past just a few metres blow us ; it was interesting to see their lovely plumage from above, rather than the usual view from below. Silver Gulls were seen flying upstream, this time only in singles rather than a flock. I have seen Caspian Terns and Crested Terns in this locality but none were seen today. I also failed to see any of the Cormorant species usually seen around here, nor did I see any Darters.

Garden Birds

In the garden below the balcony we saw many House Sparrows, New Holland Honeyeaters, Red Wattlebirds and several Singing Honeyeaters. Two Black-Faced Cuckoo-Shrikes came to pay a brief visit as the passed through the garden. Below us a small family of Superb Blue Wrens was hopping around on the ground and in a nearby bush. Unfortunately they didn’t approach close to us. I didn’t get a glimpse of any males in full colourful plumage.

Relaxing Afternoon

It was a relaxing afternoon with a wonderful view. The morning had been very frosty but we were able to enjoy some warming winter sun on the balcony in the afternoon.

Next time I must remember my camera!

Sparrows by the Bushful

Late this aftenoon I was in the main street of Murray Bridge, my home town. I was waiting to cross the street at the lights. It was almost on sunset, the last rays of the sun just visible. My attention was drawn to a nearby bush, part of the tree and bush plantings along the footpaths.

This bush – I’m not sure what species it was – had a roar of bird twitterings coming from it. Even above the noise of homeward bound traffic, the call was unmistakeable: House Sparrows. And not just a couple. It seemed like there were several hundred sheltering in the single bush, getting ready to settle down to another frosty night.

I didn’t see any birds – just heard them. And around the base of the bush the footpath was painted white with their droppings.

A noisy time

From time to time special events are held on or near the River Murray here at Murray Bridge, South Australia. This weekend is a long weekend with a public holiday on Monday to celebrate the birthday of Queen Elizabeth. That will seem strange to those who do not live in Australia – celebrating the birthday of someone who isn’t an Australian and who rarely visits – but I won’t get into politics on this blog. Stranger, however, is the fact that her birthday is actually in April.

Back to the birds.

Well, actually – back to fewer birds.

This weekend the Water Ski Racing Championships are being held on the river in the centre of town. Exit most of the birds. We live about 5km from the river and we can hear the noisy engines of the speed boats from here.

Oh well, it was too cloudy, cold and miserable to be out birding anyway.

Southern Boobook Owl

Cold Night

Late last Saturday evening we were travelling back from visiting relatives in Jamestown in the mid-north of South Australia. It had been a lovely autumn day, clear sky, lovely sunshine and no wind. As soon as the sun set, the air had a sudden chill,  as if a frost was settling in for the night. We saw the full moon rising soon after sunset.

Night Driving Hazards

As we travelled past the pine forests south of Jamestown I was on the alert for kangaroos on the road. Nephew Steve had warned me before we left to be on the alert as he had killed four roos in recent years in that area. When travelling rural South Australia I am always on the lookout, usually for sheep that have strayed through fences on to the road. Kangaroos and, in some parts, wombats, are very dangerous hazards on our roads, especially at night.


Fortunately I had hit very few kangaroos, probably about five, in all my years of driving in Australia. I have never hit a sheep or cow and I never want to hit a wombat. It would be like hitting a rock, I’d imagine. I came close to one crossing the road one night near Swan Reach. Scary!


Now back to the bird sighting last Saturday night. At first I thought there was a rabbit sitting on the side of the road. As it flew off into the darkness I realised my mistake. At first I thought it was a Barn Owl, but the markings were all wrong; it was too dark. It had to be a Southern Boobook Owl, one of Australia’s most widespread and best known owls.

Its “boo-book” call is a familiar nocturnal sound throughout rural Australia. It is even heard in built up regions where suitable habitat exists. I have only heard it on one occasion near our home in Murray Bridge despite it being resident in the area. We have heard it far more often in Clare near my daughter’s  home. It is a species more often heard than seen.

Update: I’ve just recorded it for the second time in our garden. To  read about it click here. The article includes a photo. Posted on 4th May 2010