Archive for the 'I and the Bird' Category

I and the bird #55

The latest edition of I and the Bird #55 has been hosted over at Birdfreak Birding Blog.

This carnival about birds is a bi-weekly event and covers contributions from birders from all over the globe, including a posting from this blog.

Plenty of good reading on the many blogs that contribute to this popular carnival.

I and the Bird #54: Assignment: Write about Birds

The latest edition of I and the Bird #54 over at The Egret’s Nest takes me back to my own teaching days. I remember the enthusiasm most of my students displayed while studying birds. I also remember the field trips and camps to get out there watching the wonderful birds in their natural environment.

I was delighted with the grade I received on my assignment.

I and the bird #53: Second Anniversary edition

The latest edition of I and the Bird #53 has been posted here.

It’s the second anniversary edition of this popular birding carnival.

Unfortunately I was too busy at the time to send in my contribution. I must remember next time.

I and the Bird #52: The best laid plans

The latest edition of I and the bird has been published over at The Wandering Tattler. There you will find plenty of entertaining reading and lots of links to great birding sites, many with photos. Again, yours truly is one of the many contributors.


I and the Bird #51 Sweepstakes

I quite often feature a link to the carnival called I and the Bird. I usually contribute to this carnival as well but I missed the deadline last week. Never mind.

The latest edition has been posted over at The Bird Chaser. It never ceases to amaze me how creative the hosts of this carnival can be. This time, if you read every article, you can enter a competition. Only wished I had the time to enter.

Here is the link: I and the Bird #51 – read, and enjoy, and good luck.