Caring for a baby honeyeater
From time to time people encounter baby birds that have fallen from a nest or have been abandoned by their parents for whatever reason. Most people are keen to care for the little one but they usually have little idea of how to go about this.
Adelaide writer of crime and romance fiction Kirsty Brooks is one such person. She has had the delight of looking after a White Plumed Honeyeater from early in its life. This bird now brings her much delight, living in her house together with her pet Cockatiel parrot. Her heart warming and humourous account can be read by clicking on the link below.
- My advice on caring for a baby honeyeater by Kirsty Brooks.
How to be a lazy birder part 4
This is part 4 in the series of articles for The Lazy Birder.
- Pick up your binoculars.
- Pick up your car keys.
- Drive to the nearest park, beach, river’s edge or lake.
- Park the car, carefully applying the hand brake.
- Watch the birds you can see from the car.
- After a suitable period of birding, drive home carefully.
- Optional extra: stroll for a few minutes though the park, along the beach of river or along the shore of the lake.
- Happy birding.
How to be a lazy birder part 3
This is part 3 in the series written for The Lazy Birder.
- Warning: this hint requires a little effort in the preparation stage.
- Find a shallow dish, like those used under a pot plant.
- Locate the dish outside in the garden where you can see it from the most comfortable seat in your lounge room, sun room or front porch.
- Fill the dish with fresh water (in accordance with local water restrictions of course)
- Sit in your comfortable chair.
- Watch the birds come to drink.
- Optional extra: binoculars.
- Essential extra: some liquid refreshments.
- Happy birding.
How to be a lazy birder part 2
This is the second article in this series for The Lazy Birder.
- Warning: do not exert yourself during this activity.
- Grab your binoculars (optional).
- Gently stroll outside to your front porch or back verandah.
- Find a chair to sit in.
- Have someone make you a cuppa or some other liquid refreshment.
- Watch the birds that you can see from your chair.
- Use your binoculars only if you are feeling particularly energetic.
- Happy birding.
How to be a lazy birder part 1
Birding can be exhausting, so today I start a series for The Lazy Birder.
- Be careful not to exert yourself doing this activity.
- Gently pick up your binoculars and hang them by the strap around your neck so you don’t strain your arms too much.
- Gently stroll outside into the garden.
- Find a comfortable place to sit.
- Watch the birds as they come to you.
- If you are really energetic, you may write down a list of the birds you see (optional).
- Go to sleep if you get drowsy – the birds will still be there when you wake.
- Happy birding.