Black Shouldered Kites Part 2
Just as soon as one makes a post something happens to change all that was said. Only a few hours after the original sighting of a Black Shouldered Kite – the first here at home for some time – another one comes gliding overhead while we were out in the plant nursery. It scattered the Common Starlings sitting on the dead branches of a tall mallee tree nearby and settled down to survey the scene. Of course, I didn’t have the camera with me. Would it stay in place while I went inside to get it?
As I crept towards the tree, camera at the ready, I was suddenly aware of another Black Shouldered Kite in the same tree. The New Holland Honeyeaters were going berserk, dive bombing them both. The second kite decided to retreat, hotly pursued by several honeyeaters. A Red Wattlebird flew in, perching nearby to oversee the bomb attacks. The original kite ducked as each bombing sortie flew by, calling feebly in protest.
While all this was happening, I was creeping closer and getting some quite good photos. On the downside I was literally on the downside; by the time I reached the tree I was virtually underneath the kite. Anyone want to see some good shots of the belly of a Black Shouldered Kite? To be fair, the bird in question was rather curious and turned his head to peer at me several times, long enough for more photos.
Perhaps I was too hasty in my previous posting. Are we seeing a resurgence of this species in our little part of the world?
Time will tell.
Black Shouldered Kite
Earlier this week I noticed a Black Shouldered Kite hovering in the air just over the road from our house. This species is common and widespread in our district. In fact it is widespread throughout mainland Australia but is generally absent from Tasmania where it only occurs as a vagrant.
Beautiful Colours
I enjoy seeing this species anywhere. It always appears so clean with beautiful colours and lines. The throat feathers seem pure white, the nape and back a soft grey in stark contrast with the black on the wings. The black eyebrow markings gives it a startlingly serious countenance.
Breeding Records
Some years ago we would see this species on an almost daily basis. I have also recorded it nesting only 400 metres to the west and about 500 metres to the north of our home. In recent years it has seemed less conspicuous. Over the same period the frequency of the much bigger Black Kite has increased markedly. It is possible that the latter has largely replaced the Black Shouldered Kite in our little part of the world.
If this is so, it is a shame. The little kite is so much more attractive than its larger cousin.
Rocky Gully Wetlands, Murray Bridge
Thursday 23rd March 2006
Today I visited a local wetlands area about one kilometre north west of the CBD of Murray Bridge, South Australia. Rocky Gully Creek drains from the nearby hills into the River Murray at this point. The wetlands area is only a short distance from the river.
When I was still teaching I would often drive pass this lagoon on my way to work and again on my way home to check out what birds were to be seen. Occasionally I would stop and walk around the perimeter for twenty minutes or so. I would also stop in the bird hide for a while.
This morning I spent about 40 minutes in the area. I took my camera with to see what I could photograph. The temperature by late morning had reached about 30 degrees C and the warm breeze from the north was strengthening.
On my way to a meeting the previous evening I thought I had seen some Royal Spoonbills as I drove past. This is a widespread species in this area without being present in large numbers anywhere. Spoonbills are always a delight for me to see as it was a Yellow Billed Spoonbill in outback South Australia many years ago that gave me a life long interest in birds. This time it was the equally delightful Royal Spoonbill present at the lagoon. I managed to get some photos from a distance.
This was the first time I had recorded this species in this location. The bird lists in the bird hide indicate that other observers had also recorded it here too; I just hadn’t seen it when it was present. Both species are widespread throughout the eastern half of Australia as well as large parts of western and northern Australia.
Almost every time I drive past the Rocky Gully Wetlands I see at least 10 Australian Pelicans. Sometimes I estimate there would be about 30 present, usually resting on the artificial island in the middle of the lagoon. There must be a plentiful supply of fish in the lagoon and in the river nearby.
Australian White Ibis
There are hundreds of Ibis resident in the Murray Bridge district. I have observed loose flocks of over 300 flying overhead. Without them the area would have a massive snail problem. It is my observation that the Australian White Ibis is vastly outnumbered by the Straw Necked Ibis in this area. Today however, I saw only the White Ibis. Another relatively common species, the Glossy Ibis, still manages to elude me. I’ve never seen one in the wild.
Other birds
The other species present included:
White Faced Heron, Great Egret, Little Black Cormorant, Darter, Black Winged Stilt, Grey Teal, Eurasian Coot, Black Fronted Dotterel, Masked Lapwing, Silver Gull, Caspian Tern and Whistling Kite.
More Birding at Victor Harbor
Beautiful Morning
This morning the sun arose to a beautiful day. Bright sunshine, clear blue sky, gentle cooling breeze and the nearby sea of Encounter Bay, Victor Harbor a brilliant deep blue punctuated by stunning white waves breaking on rocks out in the bay. Perfect. After lunch we sat in front of the caravan and just watched the sea. How relaxing.
More Bird Sightings
Around the caravan park I observed about 30 different species without really trying. There were quite a few Little Ravens around, mostly flying overhead. Spotted Turtledoves and Feral Pigeons are also resident birds, as are Striated Pardalotes. I only saw a few Crested Pigeons nearby.
Galahs were in evidence throughout the park and nearby gardens. In the tree in front of our caravan we watched two juvenile Galahs begging for food from their harried parents. They seemed old enough to fend for themselves; it must be easier to sponge off parents. In previous visits I have seen hundreds of Little Corellas; this year I only saw about three individuals. Adelaide Rosellas are also common in the area but I only heard two flying past the van. I have seen Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoos in this area in the past but not this time.
Birds of Prey
The only bird of prey I observed was a Black Shouldered Kite. I saw one several times over the weekend, presumably the same individual. The first time I saw it traversing the banks of the Inman River, occassionally swooping down to catch its prey in the grass of the bank. Later I saw it hovering over the sedge grass on the sand banks along the beach front.
Mammal Sighting
While standing on the beach taking photos of the yachts at anchor and of Granite Island we were suddenly aware of several dolphins in the bay between us and the island, some two hundred metres from the beach. They were too far to positively identify or photograph them but they were probably common Bottle-Nosed Dolphins.
Taronga Zoological Park
Above: Photo of the entrance to Taronga Zoological Park, Sydney.
We are in Sydney visiting our son and daughter in law. Today we went to the Taronga Zoological Park. it has been almost six years since our last visit. There have been many changes made since then. It was quite obvious that big attempts have been made to improve both the animal displays and the overall facilities for humans.
While our prime objective was to view the animal displays, I cannot help being on the lookout for native Australian birds flying around free. Many of the enclosure’s feed trays provide a free meal for some of our native species. This Noisy Miner didn’t need to get into one of the cages. It just fed from a bottlebrush flower poking though one of the aviaries.
Above: Photo of Noisy Miner feeding on a bottlebrush (Callistemon sp)
As we were going along we observed a Laughing Kookaburra sitting quietly on the branch of a tree near the path. This is one species I have been trying to photograph since buying my new digital camera. This was one species I didn’t expect to see or photograph today.
Above: Photo of a Laughing Kookaburra in the grounds of Taronga Zoo, Sydney.
One of the highlights of visiting Taronga Zoo is the show put on by a range of Australian birds under the direction of several keepers. It is awesome to observe a Wedge Tailed Eagle gliding about a metre or two overhead as it headed down towards the keeper. We also saw a beautiful White-Bellied Sea-Eagle.
Above: Photo of a White-Bellied Sea-Eagle