Archive for the 'Birds in the News' Category

The biggest twitch

Hard on the heels of the BIGBY (The Big Green Big Year) where a group of birders is going carbon neutral for at least some of their birding, I find out about ….


Two Welsh birders have teamed up to break the world record of recording the most birds in a single calendar year. The current record stands at 3662 species, or just over a third of all the bird species in the world.

It will be a massive undertaking and will no doubt be far from “carbon neutral.” It is all very interesting and must have taken an enormous amount of planning. It will be interesting to follow their progress. You can check out their web site and follow their adventures here.

Birds in the News #96

The latest edition of Birds in the News #96 has been posted here.

A bonus – as usual – was a truly wonderful photo of a Bald Eagle at the beginning of the article.

There are the usual links to interesting articles about birds in the news from around the world. Two features of particular interest to me included an article about the decline of House Sparrows and another about the breeding of Superb Fairy-wrens (which included a magnificent photo of the male wren in full breeding plumage).

Clever Crows are no Bird Brains

I’ve always known that crows and ravens were clever birds. They can be downright cunning at times. From a very early age growing up on a farm I was aware of their sneaky habits of flying into the chook yard to steal the eggs.

Over the years I’ve read further examples of these clever birds using tools to get to their food. Some of these indicators of intelligence have been filmed and shown on television. A more recent research programme has demonstrated an intelligence far beyond what was previously thought possible. The following quote comes from The Australian newspaper.

LONDON: Crows, famous for using tools, have even more impressive brains than previously thought.

Seven New Caledonian crows retrieved an unreachable snack with a stick, which first had to be obtained using a shorter stick.

This “metatool” use requires levels of intelligence and reasoning only seen before in humans and great apes.

It may have allowed humans to use simple stone tools to fashion more complex ones.

The new evidence shows a level of understanding similar to that of chimpanzees and orangutans.

University of Auckland scientists placed a meat treat out of the crows’ reach in a 15cm-deep hole. Nearby were two “toolboxes” with vertical bars through which the birds could insert bills, but not their heads.

A stick long enough to fish the meat from the hole was in one toolbox, but too far behind the bars for the crow to reach. The other toolbox contained a stone in the same position.

In front of both boxes lay a stick too short to extract the meat, but capable of reaching the long stick.

All seven crows worked out how to get the long stick and extract the meat.

Further reading:

Birds in the News #95

The latest edition of Birds in the News # 95 has been posted.

It contains links to many articles about birds in the news this last week. Plenty of good links to interesting blogs and news items about birds.

This edition features a lovely photo of a male Common Nighthawk. I’ve not seen a photo of this species before but it reminds me very much of the Spotted Nightjar of Australia.

Spotted Nightjar

Spotted Nightjar

Birds in the News #94

The latest edition of Birds in the News – now up to # 94 has been posted over at Living the Scientific Life.

There you will find plenty of reading about birds that have featured in the news in the last week, including links to interesting articles about birds from all over the globe.