Birding around Balranald, New South Wales
2007 New South Wales trip report #5
We stayed the night in a small but comfortable cabin in the Balranald Caravan Park. We thought we wouldn’t get much sleep because a transport truck seemed to pass the park every minute or two. Surprisingly we both slept well but woke early because we were cold. If it wasn’t a frost it was very close to it. After breakfast a bitterly cold wind started blowing, but the sunny, cloudless morning promised a good day.
The small town of Balranald is situated on the banks of the Murrumbidgee River. It flows into the Murray River nearby. I didn’t have much of a chance to seek out birds around the town and along the river. A small flock of Galahs cavorted around the park and along the river. Some Sulphur-crested Cockatoos made their raucous calls echo through the tall River Red Gums along the banks of the river.
Near our cabin I heard a call that sounded like a rosella parrot. I only caught a glimpse as it flew off; I am guessing that it was probably a Yellow Rosella. They are quite common along these river systems. A few Red Wattlebirds and a small flock of Noisy Miners (honeyeaters) were feeding in the trees in the caravan park. I checked out the river for water birds; a single Little Pied Cormorant was resting on a log on the river bank.
In and around the town I saw some Welcome Swallows, Australian Magpies, Rock Doves and House Sparrows.After buying a few supplies from the local store we headed off towards Hay.